Saturday, February 27, 2010

Tie goes to the fielder

To paraphrase section 6.05 of the Major League Baseball rule book, when a fair ball is hit, a player is out when he or 1B is tagged before he touches 1B. Simply IMPLYING, but not distinctively stating that the tie would indeed go to the batter. We've all heard it a million times before, from little league to the show, "The tie goes to the runner."

But has this saying ever actually been put to practice? How many times have we seen runners get hosed when the ball is caught and the foot hit the bag simultaneously? Is it simply a judgement call? Are there ever actual "ties?"

Baseball sages everywhere ought to clear up the murky water. They should clearly dictate whether or not a "tie" results in the batter being safe or out. In the mean time, considering the MLB rule book is less malleable than glass, cut the tie goes to the runner stuff. All it is is one big judgement call depending entirely on if the ump had a great lunch that day.

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